A New Linux Rootkit
Details of a new Linux rootkit turned up on SecLists.Org's Full Disclosure Mailing List last week: linux rootkit in combination with nginx.CrowdStrike has excellent analysis of it here: HTTP iframe...
View ArticleFree Weev. Free Weev?
Once upon a time there was an Internet troll…I've been following the case of Mr. Andrew "Weev" Auernheimer for nearly two and a half years. And yesterday, he was found guilty of violating the USA's...
View ArticleGoogle Joins World War 3.0
Back in October, we wrote about The ITU Telecom World 2012 conference in Dubai, a precursor to this December's World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT-12) which will review current...
View ArticleFP's Top 100, Number 78: Tor
Foreign Policy magazine has published its annual 100 Top Global Thinkers list.At #78: Roger Dingle, Nick Mathewson, Paul SyversonFounders of the Tor Project.Tor: something that "some governments"...
View ArticleEspionage Weapon = Baloney
Fun fact: a search for — "espionage weapon" -flame -flamer — returns a lot of nonsense.Searches that include "Flame" or "Flamer" return a bunch of reports and hype about so-called cyber weapons.It's...
View Article"Mostly Men, Quite a Few Ponytails"
BBC Radio 4 has a report by Simon Cox called — The Hackers— that's worth a listen.And if you listen carefully… you'll hear Mikko being interviewed. On 28/11/12 At 02:22 PM
View ArticleRecommended Reading on WCIT and Weev
Following up on our Nov. 21st post about Andrew "Weev" Auernheimer, we recommend this from Gawker's Adrian Chen: • The Internets Best Terrible Person Goes to Jail: Can a Reviled Master Troll Become...
View ArticleNew Mac Malware Found on Dalai Lama Related Website
Acting on a tip, a member of our Threat Research team (Brod) has discovered a Dalai Lama related website is compromised and is pushing new Mac malware, called Dockster, using a Java-based exploit.Page...
View ArticleShylock Likes Smart Cards
Do you ever use your laptop's Smart Card reader? You don't? Yeah, we didn't think so.(Half of you reading this probably didn't even realize it had one to begin with.)Windows users: open your Control...
View ArticleFinnish Website Attack via Rogue Ad
Finland has a rather small population in which F-Secure has a relatively large market share. (Natch.) And every so often, something "big" will occur in such a way that Finland becomes a kind of...
View ArticleAustralian Medical Records Encrypted, Held Ransom
According to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), a server belonging to a small medical business located in Australia's Gold Coast has been hacked, had its patient records encrypted, and...
View ArticleVideo: Mikko's Wired 2012 Presentation
Mikko recently spoke at Wired 2012, a conference in London, on the topic of cyberwarfare and the developing digital arms race.A video of Mikko's presentation is now available on Wired UK's YouTube...
View ArticleHow to Rob a Bank in the 21st Century
Here's a handy "how to" guide (in graphic form) which you can use to explain how cybercriminals steal from bank accounts.All done in just five easy steps:Download a PDF version PDF here (4.20MB). On...
View ArticleSeven Predictions for 2013
1. The end of the Internet as we know it?The World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT) was held by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to finalize changes to the...
View ArticleJoulupata action
It's Christmas time! Time for charity!In Finland, the most popular Christmas charity is run by the local salvation army. Their campaign is called Joulupata. And as you might expect, they have a...
View Article2012: #yearinreview, Part 1
2012: a year in which even Pope Benedict XVI started to Tweet his pontifications.Dear friends, I am pleased to get in touch with you through Twitter. Thank you for your generous response. I bless all...
View Article2012: #yearinreview, Part 2
Here's part 2 of our 2012: #yearinreview— July to September.July 4, 2012Thank you CERN. For creating the web. And also, for finding the boson. #science— Mikko Hypponen (@mikko) July 4, 2012July 10,...
View Article2012: #yearinreview, Part 3
Part 3 of our 2012: #yearinreview— October to December.October 3, 2012It won't be long until we'll be unable to create a CAPTCHA that computers couldn't solve.— Mikko Hypponen (@mikko) October 3,...
View ArticleTargeted Zero-day Attack on CFR Site
It looks as if some people used the day after Christmas for mischief rather than relaxation. According to a FreeBeacon report, the website for the US foreign policy group, Council on Foreign Relations...
View ArticleFix it: Internet Explorer 8 Vulnerability
As mentioned in our previous post, there's an Internet Explorer (zero-day) remote code execution vulnerability being exploited in the wild which affects IE 8, as well as IE 6 & 7. Those versions...
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