2013: What Brought Us Together
It's almost 2014. This wrap-up video, featured on Mashable, was made by Jean-Louis Nguyen.(playlist) On 30/12/13 At 10:49 PM
View Article'Tis the Season of the Canada Goose
Scammers are getting creative. Since online pharmacies, fake watches and selling generic goods are becoming commonplace, they are now switching to peddling seasonal products. Starting around last...
View ArticlePolar Vortex Special: iPhone 5s in a Freezer
Folks in the USA are experiencing some very cold weather this week — and so there are many media stories referencing "sub-zero" weather and the "polar vortex". And of smartphones failing in the...
View ArticleSpam Overdose Yields Fareit, Zeus and Cryptolocker
Somebody has been busy these past two days... We have seen a massive spam surge with the same subjects and attachments in our spam traps.The attachments usually have the following filenames.The binary...
View ArticleNSA: We Are Heavily Biased Toward Defense
On January 7th, Wired magazine published an article by Steven Levy titled: How the NSA Almost Killed the Internet.It's definitely worth a read.But among other things there's this bit from Rick...
View ArticleAndroid: "Fake" Minecraft App
Every other Monday, our Threat Research team contributes to PC Magazine's Mobile Threat Monday. And yesterday's post is about a fake (hijacked) Minecraft app.Max Eddy:"F-Secure told SecurityWatch that...
View ArticleFake Minecraft Android App Using Smalihook
While we were analyzing the fake Minecraft app the other day, we noticed that it was using a hacking tool called Smalihook, so we took a look at it.The tool is for hooking Java functions and it works...
View ArticleCompromised Sites Pull Fake Flash Player From SkyDrive
On most days, our WorldMap shows more of the same thing. Today is an exception.One infection is topping so high in the charts that it pretty much captured our attention.Checking the recent history of...
View ArticleWas "Metadata" leaked in the Target breach?
The Target data breach has been big news ever since Brian Krebs broke the story several weeks ago.And our analysts have been investigating the related malware samples, all very interesting, but one...
View ArticlePoliceware good or bad?
The malware scene is changing constantly, and one of the remarkable changes is that today the bad guys might be the good guys. That is, the guys who were supposed to be good. To express it slightly...
View ArticleCity of Franca Website Compromised
While analyzing the URLs of malicious redirectors our product had detected, a Flash object hosted on .gov.br domain caught my eye. Since my Portuguese is a little rusty, I turned to a colleague in our...
View ArticleIt looks like you're trying to redact a document...
The New York Times, ProPublica, and The Guardian have just published articles with details on how the NSA and GCHQ use "leaky" mobile phone apps to track targets. Unfortunately, one of the source...
View Article2004-01-30: Weblog for Mydoom Incident Started
Monday, the 26th of January, 2004: Mydoom started spreading.Today it's been exactly 10 years since the massive Mydoom email worm outbreak. http://t.co/SLskpyrgnwpic.twitter.com/Ip03yD2gRb— Mikko...
View ArticleThe End Of Privacy
Mikko is featured this week's edition of NPR's TED Radio Hour: The End Of Privacy.I've been looking forward to this particular episode ever since Mikko mentioned a few weeks ago he had an interview...
View ArticleFISA Transparency
On February 3rd, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft (including Skype), and Yahoo posted summaries of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) requests made by the US Government.Deputy Attorney...
View ArticleSilicon Plagues
Every academic year since 1986, Darwin College (University of Cambridge) holds a series of eight public lectures. The theme of this year's series is: Plagues. Recently, Mikko presented the third...
View ArticleUsing Hashtags Correctly
So Timo Laaksonen, head of our Content Cloud business, asked for a BIG #hashtag campaign for younited and this is what he got…Just kidding. (Mostly.)One never knows what's going to show up in our HQ's...
View ArticleMalware and Winter Olympics
Whenever there's a global sporting event, we get questions about the "cyber" angle. Could an event like The Olympics be targeted by malware outbreaks, or maybe DDoS attacks?And while there are some...
View ArticleApp Permissions 1.7.0
Released today: version 1.7.0 of our very popular F-Secure App Permissions (for Android).What's new? UI improvements, shareable screenshots, small bug fixes, additional languages.Still requires ZERO...
View ArticleFlappy Bird SID PSA
The delightfully strange phenomenon known as "Flappy Bird"has been removed from app stores by its creator, Dong Nguyen.But removal from Google Play is no obstacle for some dedicated Android fans. At...
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