USA's Double Standard: Don't Hack Like the USA
Here's a list of companies allegedly hacked by the United States of America: • RealTek • JMicron • C-MediaAnd why did the United States hack three Taiwanese technology companies?To steal digital...
View ArticleLow Hanging Fruit: Flash Player
Flash Player version is now available.In Windows, you can check what version you have installed via Flash's Control Panel applet.According to Adobe Security Bulletin APSA15-01, users who...
View ArticleApple iOS 8.1.3 Terms and Conditions
This may already be old news since everybody always reads the terms and conditions of the software they install, but we sometimes don't — and we think this section of iOS 8.1.3's terms to be of...
View ArticleThe Message: Consent Matters
Go read this: Privacy is non-negotiable: We have the right to cover our arse or expose itA post by Laura — whom I'm very proud to have as a colleague. On 02/02/15 At 05:15 PM
View ArticleCTB-Locker Infections on the Rise
We have recently observed a significant increase in infections from a nasty strain of file-encrypting ransomware called CTB-Locker.Daily CTB-Locker infections in relation to the total number of such...
View ArticleThe Ear of Sauron
A recent story by The Daily Beast seems to have ignited a real firestorm over Samsung's "smart" television terms and conditions. Which is somewhat surprising to us as we read about it months ago via...
View ArticleAn Early History of the Crypto Wars
Stanford University's Alumni Association Magazine recently published a very interesting article on the early history, politics, and publication of academic (non-classified) encryption research. The...
View ArticleThe Equation Group Equals NSA / IRATEMONK
On December 29, 2013, Der Spiegel, a German weekly news magazine, published an article about an internal NSA catalogthat lists technology available to the NSA's Tailored Access Operations (TAO). Among...
View ArticleHow To Keep Your Smart Home Safe
The Internet of Things (IoT) devices can help you save time and hassle and improve your quality of life. As an example, you can check the contents of your fridge and turn on the oven while at the...
View ArticleMalicious DNS Servers Deliver Fareit
Last year we wrote about Fareit being massively spammed.A couple of months later, they added another means of infecting systems - via malicious DNS servers.When the DNS server settings has been...
View ArticleIs Babar a Bunny?
Lately there has been a lot of research and publicity around a strange case of Babar, a malware connected to suspected high-level espionage operation called SNOWGLOBE.SNOWGLOBE was first brought to...
View ArticleRansomware Report: The Rise of BandarChor
This week, we have received a number of reports on yet another ransomware, BandarChor.This ransomware is not exactly fresh. The first infections that we've noticed related to this family came in...
View ArticleTwitter Now Tracking User IP Addresses
On Monday, I was testing our Freedome VPN for Windows and eventually… I forgot that I was using our London exit node.And then I attempted to log in to Twitter.This was the result:And then I received...
View ArticleNordea Phishing Campaign Continues
Just when we thought this Nordea phishing campaign is over, it reared its ugly head once again. It made its comeback on March 5th.The phishing site looks pretty similar to the actual Nordea Finnish...
View ArticleVariants of Ransomware Targeting Video Game Files
"Free" Decryption — but you'll need to pay a ransom first.The image above is from the Web interface of a ransomware scheme that is targeting video game files (among others).Details here and...
View ArticleOur VPN Service Takes Your Privacy Seriously
TorrentFreak recently asked "leading [VPN] providers about their logging practices and other privacy sensitive policies."Questions such as:1 — Do you keep ANY logs which would allow you to match an...
View ArticleRemote Code Execution Possible Via Dell System Detect
Journalist John Leyden recently contacted us for our opinion on vulnerability research by Tom Forbes. The focus of Forbes' research was Dell's "System Detect" utility and a flaw that allows for remote...
View ArticleVideo: Terrorist Groups in the Online World
Given recent events, this presentation by Mikko about the possibility of terrorist groups doing online attacks seems timely.YouTube: Terrorist Groups in the Online WorldProtip: don't make yourself an...
View ArticleMoving Around
We're reorganizing numerous teams here at F-Secure Labs, and that means moving people around between the second and third floors in our Helsinki HQ.Moving requires moving boxes and this is what the...
View ArticleJanicab Hides Behind Undocumented LNK Functionality
Two years ago, we found a malware called Janicab. It targets both Mac and Windows OSes using Python and VBS scripts, respectively.For Windows OS, this malware was delivered via a document that...
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